Tell Us Your KVC Story and Win a Prize

Sharing the challenging or beautiful things you’ve experienced can inspire others. As Morgan Harper Nichols wrote, “Tell the story of the mountain you climbed, your words could become a page in someone else’s survival guide.” 

Who Can Enter: Our Story Contest is open to everyone with a connection to KVC! That includes children, teens, adults, families, team members, and supporters. You can enter multiple times. Please fill out a separate entry for each story.

How to Enter: Take 5 minutes to answer one of these story prompts and explain how KVC is part of your story:

  • Tell us about a difficult experience you faced and how you found the strength and support from KVC to overcome it.
  • Share about when you felt you were making a positive difference in another person’s life.
  • What does KVC mean to you or why does its mission resonate with you?
  • If you had a great experience with KVC, tell us about what happened and how it made you feel.
  • Describe an example of kindness you have experienced or shown to another person, as part of your connection to KVC.
  • Has someone connected to KVC positively influenced you and how?


  • Instant Prize: You’ll immediately get downloadable lock screens for your phone.
  • Grand Prizes: Multiple Amazon gift cards up to $50 will be awarded to the top stories.

Any questions? While all stories MUST be entered using the form below, you can ask questions or send photos to go along with your story by contacting Molly Moody, If you do not see the form or have problems, please try using a different web browser like Google Chrome, try on your phone, or simply email it to if necessary.

Our 2024 Story Contest is now closed, however, you’re still welcome to submit stories at any time. 

Check out past winners for some inspiration! 

If you have issues seeing the form below, please contact Molly Moody at